It’s normal for your pool to lose small amounts of water, thanks to normal pool use, environmental conditions, water temperature and even backwashing the filter. However, there are instances when water loss is problematic, which can cause severe damage if not repaired immediately.

Signs You Have a Pool Leak:

  • Pool loses more water than regular evaporation (about 1/2 inch a day)
  • Pool has air in the system
  • Equipment loses prime
  • There are soggy spots around the pool
  • You add water more than once a week

Unsure of Your Evaporation Rate?

Pick a day when no one is using the pool. Place a bucket on the top step in your pool (so the water has the same temperature as the pool) and fill it to the same level as your pool. Mark the water level in the bucket and the level in your pool at the same time. Tape works well for this. Check the levels the next day. The bucket and pool will lose about the same due to evaporation. If your pool level has dropped significantly more than the level in the bucket, you have a leak. Repeat the test with the pump off to see if it’s a static leak or in your plumbing.

New Braunfels Pool & Spa Company has the experience and equipment to find and repair those leaks. Call us today, so we can find and repair your leak and get your pool back up and running.

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